The transportation of your package Packages are generally shipped within 24 hours after receipt of your payment, are shipped by UPS express, without signature. If you wish a delivery with signature an additional charge will apply, please contact us.
Shipping charges include packaging, handling and shipping. They may contain a fixed and a variable part based on the price or weight of your order.
We recommend that you group your purchases into a single order. We cannot group different orders together. Shipping costs must be paid for each order.
Special attention is paid to packages containing fragile objects.. The packages are of adequate size and protected.
For each order a contact person is required as well as a telephone number. Shipments in PO Boxes are not allowed.
PreventiKa makes every effort to respect the delivery times mentioned in the Portal. However, ADDIXIS CONSULTING S.L. is not responsible for the consequences due to a delay in delivery or a loss of the package caused by people outside the contract of carriage, by yourself or for unforeseeable or insurmountable reasons or causes of force majeure. On the other hand, the method of payment chosen by you may affect delivery times.
In the event that you do not receive a package within the period indicated, an investigation will be carried out together with the carrier which could last several days (the approximate period is fourteen (14) working days). During this period, no reshipment or refund of the order can be made.
When you receive your package check that everything is in conformity with your order and in perfect condition.
If you do not agree with the items delivered or the state of them, sign and indicate by hand on the delivery note of the carrier the anomalies found on receipt.
The goods are shipped without taxes "EX WORK"
When importing into your country you will probably have to pay The import duties, customs and local VAT.
preventiKa® is a registered trademark of ADDIXIS CONSULTING S.L.